Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wishing upon a star....

Did you ever have one of those realizations where suddenly everything that was in your life finally made sense; where you can close you eyes and suddenly see a solution to a problem that has been plaguing you... I wish I had one of those realizations right now.

Things would seem so much clearer if I could suddenly see past the hurdles in life. Although I suppose that if I had such realizations other people would want me to help them out with their problems so that I wouldn't have such an unfair advantage against them.

At one point or another there was something important that I had to say regarding this post. I really like the tricks that my mind plays on me at 3am, working nights is the greatest thing on the planet next to actually sleeping.

My mind has been playing terrible tricks on me lately, waking me up after only getting 4 hours of sleep during the day. Telling me that I'm hungry when I'm really just tired. Its not fair.

I really should work on making a coherent entry at some point or another..... aaahhh screw it.

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