Monday, November 5, 2007

Can you tell... ?

That I'm bored at work? They say that sleep deprivation makes people go crazy. I'm almost willing to test that theory, the only point that I'm not looking forward to is the fact that I actually have to utilize part of my brain for my job. I only say part because most of the time I'm barely conscious while I look at the screen to begin with.

Its now 3:30am and I'm quite content with my progress to this point. I've had one can of RedBull and I'm not feeling the effect quite yet, maybe if I shotgun the other can I might be able to stay conscious on the way home in the morning. Although, I'm doing better than a colleague of mine who has been napping off and on for the better part of 45 minutes. For some reason I just can't bring myself to sleep at work, I'd end up snoring a lot

... some other stuff happened....
your guess would be as good as mine as to what it was. For fun lets say it involved juggling, scissor kicks to the groin, swine, and automatic machinery reinvented. That could make for an interesting story if I had capable mental powers.

5:16am --
some of my coworkers are attempting to solve a problem concerning a dozen questions sent in by one particular user. I have knowledge in this particular area and have been speaking with them offering them suggestions and answers. There is one member of the team who I'm not sure really enjoys my involvement in answering questions of this nature as he has been deemed the expert in this area. Its kind of frustrating to see your answers fall on one set of deaf ears only to be systematically reworded and branded as a fresh new answer. I feel like I'm in marketing and a colleague just stole a pitch for a billion dollar ad campaign.... I should stop watching so many movies.

5:49am --
I have come to the realization that my previous statement regarding not sleeping at work is a total crock of sh*t. I'm just too proud to sleep at work thats it. Plain and simply put, damn me and my pride.... also, the aforementioned colleague who was napping is full on sleep at the moment complete with snoring sound effects. That reminds me of something that I heard on the radio this morning, did you realize that of the 4 people running around screaming in my mind at the moment, that there is only one of them who is capable of using a pen?

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