Thursday, May 22, 2008

24 hours of bliss....

then this.

Music - The Secret Machines - Still See You

Less than 24 hours after Microsoft announced that it would be supporting ODF with its latest Office 2007 service pack comes out in 2009, did the European Commission counter and basically say, "Oh yeah!? We'll just see."

What they're saying is that they will make sure that Microsoft does it right the first time. This is the same commission that fined Microsoft close to a Billion dollars (most of which was late payment fees) for being a Monopoly with regards to Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player. (You can't buy a copy of Windows in Europe that is shipped with IE or WMP because of this commission.)

I personally think its a good thing, because they have a history of supporting things, mostly industry and International standards half-arsed. (Web-designers will take note of CSS)

The thing that I just thought about is this. The Service Pack with the new support is in 2009... TWO THOUSAND and NINE.... and they can't figure out how to support their own format in NINE MONTHS? What are they stupid? No, they're not stupid they just created a monster that they can't control.

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