Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Why don't people listen...

when I tell them things.

Case in point:

A colleague asked me if I had worked with a piece of software before.

I honestly answer him: probably not in 2 years.

For the next 3 days I'm barraged with questions of:

"Do you have these files?" (I've never been involved in the project.)
"Am I doing this right?" (I don't know, I've never done it.)
"Do you have these other files?" (Seeing as how I didn't have the first ones, I doubt I'm going to have the next ones.)

Edit: Now I get it. I'm being asked because the employee before me used to work on this project and software so they figure that I'm inheriting knowledge


Tink said...

Wow. If you could figure out how to do that (inherit knowledge), you'd be RICH. I'd love to learn all the things my boss thinks I should know... Like, how to do HIS job. ;)

Unknown said...

I don't know if I'd be rich, but I'd probably end up being more annoyed with the people that I work with. I like not knowing somethings... sometimes.