Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Professional Services

I've been on a kick for the last few days to get my personal website going again. I've been running a "side business" (I use the term business loosely as I only have a couple of clients and made less than $500 in 2010) for the past few years helping out in some offices and doing some programming.

I'm in the process of launching a new website for a business solution that I put together in partnership with my wife's company. The site was originally targeted for a very niche market, but as I was building the website and putting together the code I realized that it could have a far greater reach and application if it was more generalized.

With that in mind I continued to develop the website so that it could be used out side of this market. The site isn't quite ready for a main launch yet, as I'm still fixing a few internal bugs and I need to get my security certificate ordered by the end of February (that's right, I'm going to be secure, just like that banks with https).

For those who would like to check it out you can see my site here:

I'm giving you a special preview of the site and what I have planned for it to get feedback on the look and feel of it. Once the site goes live I would like to approach organizers of fund-raisers such as the Relay for Life to see if they would be interested in this to provide to their participants so that they could reach out to more people and receive donation requests from people far away quicker and easier.

Its a pipe dream right now, but it could be something that I can see taking off one day.

Regardless, this has been what I've been spending these countless hours up late at night programming for the past few months.

I'm pretty excited about it.

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