Thursday, January 31, 2008

What the hell is wrong with you people....

I've been neglecting this like a crack addict neglects eating or flushing the toilet.

I've spent much of my time lately watching movies, spent the weekend watching the Extended editions of all three Lord of the Rings movies. (Man, thats ALOT of movie.)

Speaking of which, go right now to your local video store, rent "Eastern Promises". Watch it, and tell me 2 things you hated about the movie, I think you'll have a hard time with it. Such a wonderful movie, its hard and grim but you can't make a mafia movie in the style of Disney.

Now to the bitching:

I have a pretty standard work week, generally I work Monday to Friday 8-5. Which is nice to be back to a normal schedule. And since I've been back with the company I've been in a number of meetings furthering the software and keeping the clients happy.

Last week I spend about 10 hours of my week in meetings, now I don't mind being in the meetings because it makes me feel important and it helps take my mind off of the daily happenings of the office.

But then I come back to reality with a sharp kick the groin when the meetings are over.

Like this morning for example.

I had a very short meeting concerning one of the projects that we are working on, and that I have taken over since my return (not by my choice, but the clients requested me). When I was finished with the meeting I went back to my desk to research some of the items that were there that need to be completed tomorrow during my consultation visit.

One of the items is outstanding since the beginning of December, way too long for an issue to be unresolved. I talked to the guy who was working on it.

It went something like this....

Me: Do you remember this problem that Client X is having?
CB: Yes, I remember testing it to see if was a solution.
Me: Did you fix this problem for the client at their location?
CB: No. Two other people fixed it.

I went to talk to those two people.

Me: They didn't fix it, they told you about the problem and that you had to fix it.
CB: Oh, I remember testing some fixes.
Me: What were they.
CB: I don't know.
Me: Did anyone give them to the client?
CB: I don't know.
Me: Do you have the files so that I may test it?
CB: No.

This is the point where I wanted to slap this guy into next week for being a complete f*cking idiot.

He then went on to say that the guy whom I replaced fixed the problem and that I should email him. (I have proven documentation that he himself went to the client to fix the problem and not the other fellow he likes to blame all the time.)

Stupid people generally make me laugh, but not when they keep me from doing my job properly.


Anonymous said...

I just bought Lord of the Rings! Not the extended edition though. I spent the whole movie thinking, "There was something more there! There was another scene! It makes no sense!"
I've been wanting to see Eastern Promises. Tough about the job though. "Yeesh."

Unknown said...

Yeah, after watching the extended editions I could sit there and pick out all of the things that they added, I felt like a total dork, though I'd only seen the LOTR movies twice before this.

I'm getting used to bitching about people I work with, I guess it comes with the job.