Friday, November 23, 2007

Buy Nothing...

Today is Buy Nothing Day.

To celebrate, I'm going to go nowhere, and spend absolutely nothing today. Mind you I won't have much of a choice since I'm working the 12 hour day shift. Still, I completely support this venture and I encourage you to become educated and participate in this as well.

Also, something else I support is Buy Nothing Christmas.

Once the first of December hits you will not find me anywhere near the stores in any of the malls, anywhere. People are generally, unforgiving, cranky and panic stricken. Too much emphasis is placed on finding someone the "perfect" gift that will make them the happiest. Isn't Christmas about family, and religion? When did it get converted into a commercial extravaganza?

For extra bonus points, each of these campaigns was started by a Canadian organization called AdBusters.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yay! Make a point and lower stress!

Unknown said...

And keep the money in your wallet for more important things like groceries, or insurance for your car.

Now if only someone would come up with a strategy for not paying back student loans.