That rose coloured light could turn out to be a little bit skewed after the amount of alcohol that would need to be consumed in some instances.
My wife and I traditionally are good with money (*giggles*) and yesterday on a whim we decided to splurge on a new purchase. We managed to pickup a new TV. Thats right, we've joined the ranks of all of the other geeks out there and bought a new widescreen tv. It looks strikingly similar to the one pictured below.
As soon as we got it home the first thing that I did was to turn it on and toss in a widescreen movie. Transformers seemed like an excellent choice, I tossed it in and kicked up my feet to see in greater detail.
Turns out my wife is becoming a widescreen junky now too. She was at home watching a regular fullscreen movie today, and realized how much better it is on our tv.
There were other TVs there when we were looking at it, but a 32" TV is more than enough for most people, and quite frankly paying $1000 for a television? People need to have their head examined.
I love my TV. If I wasn't married I'd marry the TV and have little surround sound children.
Surround sound children? Priceless!
I'm not sure exactly the kind of children we'd end up having, but I'm sure they'd be pretty cool.
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