Monday, February 28, 2011

Moving Forward

Things are starting to get a little real around here.

This morning my wife sent me a list of people to contact/call/email/text when she goes into labour and again when she has the baby. Is it really getting to be close to that time? I don't even feel like we're ready for a baby to come into our home yet, there are too many things we wanted to get done first.

The room needs another coat of paint to tone down the overload of colours. I need to buy the dinosaur rug and hide it from the mother-in-law. We need to find a stroller & car seat.

What's going to happen when we finally have the baby and bring it home?

There are too many questions left unanswered, but so much time has to pass until I get to hold her in my arms.

The baby countdown is on.... and I'm gonna start to panic....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Divide by 12. How many hours are left?

Time is a funny thing.

When you have too much of it, you complain that things are slow.
When you don't have enough of it, you complain that things are too busy.

Has there ever been a point in your life when you've had "just enough" time to do the things you want to do and not feel rushed when doing it?

At Christmas time we run through the mall at a marathoners pace to buy things for people to show them our appreciation for all that they've done. In the summer time we're running through the house to get to the car to bring our children to play outside. We never take the time to enjoy the beauty of the snow and how it crunches under our feet because its too cold outside.

When do we have time for ourselves as grown ups? When do we make time just for us? As adults and (soon-to-be) parents - your time is no longer about you. When you're at work, time is about projects, deadlines and maximizing your caffeine intake for the day. When you're home, time is about homework, chores and playtime.

I think once a day, we should make time. Make time for ourselves. Sit back at 3 in the afternoon on a Sunday and breathe, enjoy the summer air or the cool fall breeze on our face.

Time isn't something that should ever be pushed. You never know how much of your own clock is left.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Zombies in the family

This is an actual email conversation that was had between myself and my brother a few days ago. It all started when my wife mentioned to him on the phone that the first words to The Big Bang Theory that night were something about Zombies.

And thus it begins:

“If zombies don’t eat do they starve to death….?”
Big bang theory

According to 28 weeks later they do.

If a zombie bites a vampire, then what?
If a vampire bites a zombie, then what?

1. The vampire will turn into a zombie. The living turn to the dead.
2. The vampire will starve to death. Zombies have no blood.

1 But a vampire is the dead, the living dead?

I do believe a vampire is the UNdead. Regardless, a zombie can not be turned into a vampire as they are dead. But a vampire can turn into a zombie since the vampire is UNdead and living.


What about a werewolf, if he bites a zombie will it become hairy?
Can a zombie turn a werewolf into a were zombie?

Zombies only are ever documented attacking humans, since a were wolf in wolf form would not longer be a human, they'd ignore him.

The better question: if a zombie bites a were wolf in human form, on the next full moon --- what does the new werewolf look like?

What about a mummy.?
Would it become a zombie if it is already dead?

Mummy's taste gross, like dried feet. No one would ever bite them.

A mummy is essentially a zombie without the need for brains. Look at how it walks, its a really old zombie. One could say its the first zombie.

All of this started out because I got my brother hooked on the television show The Walking Dead. Since he finished the first season, he read all 81 comics, then read all 7 volumes of the Marvel Zombie series and has cursed me out ever since. I smile everytime he mentions it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Professional Services

I've been on a kick for the last few days to get my personal website going again. I've been running a "side business" (I use the term business loosely as I only have a couple of clients and made less than $500 in 2010) for the past few years helping out in some offices and doing some programming.

I'm in the process of launching a new website for a business solution that I put together in partnership with my wife's company. The site was originally targeted for a very niche market, but as I was building the website and putting together the code I realized that it could have a far greater reach and application if it was more generalized.

With that in mind I continued to develop the website so that it could be used out side of this market. The site isn't quite ready for a main launch yet, as I'm still fixing a few internal bugs and I need to get my security certificate ordered by the end of February (that's right, I'm going to be secure, just like that banks with https).

For those who would like to check it out you can see my site here:

I'm giving you a special preview of the site and what I have planned for it to get feedback on the look and feel of it. Once the site goes live I would like to approach organizers of fund-raisers such as the Relay for Life to see if they would be interested in this to provide to their participants so that they could reach out to more people and receive donation requests from people far away quicker and easier.

Its a pipe dream right now, but it could be something that I can see taking off one day.

Regardless, this has been what I've been spending these countless hours up late at night programming for the past few months.

I'm pretty excited about it.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blown gasket

So, I've just gotten off the telephone with the National Student Loan center to talk to them about re-applying for Repayment Assistance. With a baby coming along the way in a few months paying what we are supposed to be paying for our student loans is a little excessive and ridiculous.

Lets put it in perspective with some numbers. I currently have $65K + in my own student loans. Thats not including what my wife has in her own loans from her schooling.

If you've ever applied for the RA from the national student loan center you know that they ask you about your 'gross' income. I've never understood why they'd waste my time in asking about this. On each of my paychecks there is a difference between net and gross which almost cuts my pay in half of what the 'gross' is.

So, for the next few months we're supposed to pay the full amount for our SL, save for a baby AND pay our monthly bills? Are they stupid? Do they expect me to pull magic money out of my ass for this?

I've never understood the point of these loans, sure they helped me get an education but they're punishing me for trying to further myself along by gaining an education and some work experience before starting a family.

Frankly, I'd almost wish I'd stayed at home to become a fisherman if I had of known that I would have been faced with this bullshit.

Why would they base such an important decision on fictitious money? It never really made sense to me in all honesty.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

from my phone

Blogging from my phone.

Using the new Blogger for Android app put out by Google today. I even installed it using their website.

Who's awesome now? This guy.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Unexpected Discoveries

As I was cleaning out the giant mess of papers in the closet, on the bed, in the dresser, on my desk... everywhere. I came across something unexpected. I found the obituary and program from Chris' memorial service we had back in 2000. Everyone who attended was given a paper with the procession and a note, on the reverse side, from Chris' best-friend in high school who could not attend.

Something I didn't know: he died in October of 2000, which means we just passed the 10 year mark of his passing.

Now that I know the date again, I should do something every year to mark the occasion. I'm thinking that a visit to Grand Manan or a visit to a light house along the coast would be fitting.

In amongst the papers from the service I found a badly hand-written note that I had written the night before the service. I wrote this with every intention of reading at the service.

Reading it now, makes me smile. Filled me with memories of him and the things we did together, made me remember the kind of guy he was and the man he would have grown in to. The world is a different place since he's gone, but his foot prints are still in my soul.

Here it is, in all its terribly written glory (remember: this was written by a 19 year old who wasn't good with words or emotions):

Chris was a great guy who would do anything for a friend. He was the very first person I spoke to when I arrived at university. He told me all about his passion for snowboarding and how much he would miss it that winter. Everyone who was friends with him knew how special he made everyone feel. He had a good time whenever he did anything, no matter where he was. He put 100% into everything he did.

In TE hall a friendship was formed with all 11 guys up there. Everyone had a bond with each other, each bond being strong in its own way. But a friendship with Chris was strong with everyone. He befriended everyone that he talked to, there were not many people who didn't enjoy his company.

I could talk to Chris about anything and not worry about negative criticism, he was a great listener but he was an even better friend. He was a great friend who did many things for me and I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to meet your son and have him touch my life in that way.

He will be missed greatly, but his will, courage and strength will live in our memories forever. I know he was a fighter and never gave up. I will never, ever forget Chris or all the great things he has done for me. 

I miss him so much right now, and I will miss him more with passing day, but I will be strong just like him.